Wednesday 3 August 2011

Planning Ahead...

My second year drew to a close in June, leaving me with a miserable second. Not as good as i hoped. So,to pick up from such a low grade will take loads of hard work and planning...

I know i have to plan for my dissertation - a 6000word extended essay-but unlike other courses we have received no help or prior warning.all other courses have had lectures on planning for this before summer break! so this makes it difficult to know what to plan for.

I also need to plan for my final project.we have a project which stretches through from September to June - usually a project is no more than 6weeks! so to plan a 9month project is proving tricky.

I have had a few ideas. I have always been interested in texture. I love to feel things, you cant truly know how something feels just by looking, touch is such an important sense.

Plus, i find the constant battle between mankind and nature fascinating. How men cut back nature to build and develop but, given time,nature weakens mans efforts and strives to claim back what was taken. Metal Rusts, buildings crumple. Nature eventually re-claims her land.

Thinking of these two things, nature versus man and texture, my project idea seemed natural. My initial idea is to experiment looking at textures of man-made and natural surfaces such as stone, bark, concrete. I will do pressings,rubbings and primary sketches to develop my ideas and experiment with mark making to replicate textures as well as experimenting with color to emphasize texture,depth and highlight.

I will have to use these textures on craft pieces but i can experiment with form throughout the project.